
Linear Accelerator

What has Medot been up to regarding Linear Accelerators and imaging systems?

As the owner/ operator of deinstalling and selling Accelerators over the past 30 years. We have just completed the sale of a Varian trueBeam. This “State of the art technology” offers The widest range capabilities that turn leading research into intergraded care. The Truebeam brings advances and more options for patients and more opportunities for clinics in treating cancer. There are very few of these systems available due to the demand and supply limited on a pre-owned basics. I’m sure Varian medical system would love to sell you one for millions of dollars. Medot can locate these systems, 2100 and 600c as well at vary reasonable pricing compared to OEM. Currently de-installed a Cath Lab in Texas and others in Florida.

We are looking for all linear Accelerators to buy, deinstall and recycle worldwide, including all imaging systems.

Linear Accelerator

Download our questionnaire to get a quote by Clicking the button below.


When selecting a company to buy, sell, deinstall an Accelerator or other imaging equipment like CT, MRi and X-ray systems, please consider the following when seeking a qualified vendor.

  1. Select a company with good referrals and proven track record.
  2. Give your vendor as much details regarding the project and any concerns.
  3. Liability insurance is a must and make sure he adds your clinic as additional insured.
  4. Have a project manager assigned to the job to be a “go between” on logistics.
  5. Keep noise to a minimum, patient care always kept clear of and check in with security with crew daily.
  6. Make sure you have a vapor barer negative air flow room when working in or around surgery areas.
  7. Protect the tiles on exit route and be clear of all traffic always.
  8. Have communications with Loading dock supervisor when removing equipment to their truck,
  9. Staging areas are always helpful when preparing equipment to be loaded later after dock is clear of traffic.
  10. Sweep and clear room of any debris when project is completed and have project manager sign off when your done.

After 30 years working in hospitals and clinics around the country our motto has always “been never leave a project until all staff is 100% satisfied with you work”.

Tom Gohn/owner/Operator